A Batch of Sugar
I got just over 3 jars of syrup out of a 10 lb bag of sugar a few days ago. Today I checked on the jar I put out. They’ve eaten about 1/2 of the syrup in 3 days. Let’s assume that 10 lbs of sugar went into 3 jars, that’s 3 1/3 lbs of sugar per jar. They appear to be eating about 9 oz of sugar per day. At $4.50/ 10 lb bag, the bees are consuming about $.25 a day in sugar. If they ate all year round at this rate, they’d consume the dollar equivalent of 23 lbs of honey in a year. This is a worst case for my hive at current consumption rates.
I’m feeding the bees just to get them through the winter.
I do not want Domino sugar honey in the supers (there are no supers on now).
Tags: Bees