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The Heap - Contronautics
Dave Chassin | My good buddy Dave Chassin manages his own page. There is information on energy management here |
Dave Chassin (Personal) | Dave's got a personal page now too |
Ken Tinkler | Another buddy, Ken Tinkler's got his own page too. He's a fan of the Yankees and has a page for them. Also has info on the Space Shuttle and the law in general. |
John Kohl | John's a Brother of Alpha Phi Omega. He's got some good APO resources on his page. |
Dan Woodard | Dan's a musician, he works at company called Concentra. We walked on the Charles once. |
Vince Carter | Vince has put some cool pages together. Vince runs phooey.com |
Dan Siwko | My cousin's got a page up now. |
Kim Trepanier | K's working at TIAC now. |
Chuck Seggelin | I worked with Chuck at XENERGY in Burlington for a while. He's a great guy. Look here for birdwatching, Star Wreck and more. |
James Scheid | I worked with James at Georgia Pacific. He's a talented guy. He and his buddy Joe have started a company called InfoSouth. |
Chuck Villa | My good friend Chuck has finally put up a page. It's about time. |
Ken Vogel | I had the good fortune to work with Ken for 6 months at Fidelity in Boston. He's a consultant with his own business. I highly recommend his engagement page. |
Ginger Garvey | Ginger is a friend of Naomi's from The College of William and Mary. |
Mike Diaz | Mike's a long time friend of the family. He's got a big fish tank. |
George and Melanie Clark | Melanie and Naomi have been friends for years. |
30 Sep 2002 22:23 -0400