Sendmail, PHP, Squirrelmail
Added unknown and blog user. Set up spamcop on robert. Routed unknown users to unknow, but doesn’t seem to be working… Had some typos in the LUSER rule. Ended up with this: define(`LUSER_RELAY’,`local:unknown’)dnl which seems to be working. Work on PHP and Squirrelmail continues. Make install on the php 4.3.3 seems to have dropped a php.conf into the conf.d directory in apache 2. Restarted OK. Will try some php…. reconfigured squirrelmail 1.4.1, moved directory into /usr/local, added symbolic link from /var/www/html/webmail, changed owner of SM directory to apache. All seems to work. Now got to make it SSL. Couldn’t see anythin in the config for SSL but time for bed. Check this out: